
There are a number of like-minded organizations doing great work in the realm of international development for emergency services. Please visit the following websites for more information.


Canadian Aid for Fire Services Abroad (CAFSA) is a Canadian, Alberta based, volunteer, non-profit, international, and non-governmental humanitarian aid foundation.

The main objective of CAFSA is to collect used, but still viable, personal protective equipment and supplies from Canadian Fire Departments and redistribute that equipment to developing countries.

 Visit CAFSA at:         



 Firefighters Without Borders is an Ontario-based non-profit assisting fire fighters in developing nations. Whether it is training firefighters in Mexico in trench rescue techniques, or providing donated bunker gear, boots, clothing and equipment to a dedicated and grateful team of Bomberos in Peru, Firefighters without Borders reach out to bring hope and confidence to fellow firefighters. We believe preventing the fire from happening in the first place is a proactive approach for community safety. Some fire departments do not have the resources to deal effectively with any emergency, so a strong public education and fire prevention program is a key program delivered by Firefighters Without Borders. This is a holistic approach to public safety, and saves lives by preventing a tragedy.

 Visit Firefighters Without Borders at:



 International Firefighters Assistance, Inc. (IFA) is a Florida-based non- profit organization that provides humanitarian assistance and training to firefighters and emergency rescue workers in underprivileged countries. Through our relief programs, we hope to strengthen local communities by assisting its citizens to better prepare for emergencies and disasters. We view protection and emergency response as a primary commitment in a community, a city, a region and a country. We are using our skills and knowledge to educate, train and facilitate public safety.

Visit International Firefighters Assistance, Inc at: